
Archive for the ‘Niqaab Experiences’ Category

CBC Feature


It was over 2 years ago when I was aired on the national television channel, CBC for their segment: Ask My Anything – Niqaab.

Niqaab feature [5 minutes]

It was a grueling experience of over 3 hours of Q&A with little breaks in between for Salaah and changing mic batteries. This took place when Niqaab was under a lot of heat around the world and several countries/organizations were pushing to have it banned.

All praise belongs to Allaah subHaanahu wa ta’aala who guided me to this opportunity and granted me the courage to share a fraction of my religion with the people. And then my friend, MR, who informed me of this interview and my husband who was encouraging and always by my side.

I ask Allaah subHaanahu wa ta’aala for forgiveness for any mistakes made on my behalf and praise Him for any good that came out of it.

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